PSN-L Email List Message
Subject: Re: Sea of Okhotsk
From: Tangazazen@.......
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2013 13:42:01 -0400 (EDT)
From the UK to the Sea of Okhotsk is 85 degrees, travel time of first P
wave about 12 minutes. Second peak wave arrives 8.5 minutes after that and
corresponds to PPPP wave. N-S and E-W response of equal amplitude and
polarity , there for on the N-E to S-W or N-W to S-W axis. The former
would corresponds to Okhotsk relative to the UK..
Vertical wave is absent
From the UK to the Sea of Okhotsk is 85 degrees, travel time of=
first P wave about 12 minutes. Second peak wave arrives 8.5 minutes after=
that and corresponds to PPPP wave. N-S and E-W response of=
equal amplitude and polarity , there for on the N-E to S-W&=
or N-W to S-W axis. The former would corresponds=20
to Okhotsk relative to the UK..
Vertical wave is absent
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