PSN-L Email List Message
Subject: Please review these SAC
From: "Tiago A." tiagoagre@.........
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2013 23:33:45 +0000
20 minutes ago i was checking AmaSeis and i saw "live" some strong motions
at 2.5Hz, i=B4ve been using a L4 1Hz geophone for almost two years and only
saw 3 times this type of recording, but all are similar in duration and
frequency (amplitude cant say from last year, but the previous recording
from today has the same electronic settings, ie gain, filtering).
Todays recording are bit noisy, some bad weather around here, but pretty
sure this isnit the cause of the recording. The last recording happened
23pm, so everything is quite outside.
Anyone have any idea what can be the cause of these recordings? Maybe the
geophone had a "hiccup"?
Best Regads,
20 minutes ago i was =
checking AmaSeis and i saw "live" some strong motions at 2.5Hz, i=
=B4ve been using a L4 1Hz geophone for almost two years and only saw 3 time=
s this type of recording, but all are similar in duration and frequency (am=
plitude cant say from last year, but the previous recording from today has =
the same electronic settings, ie gain, filtering).=A0=A0
Todays recording are bit noisy, some bad weather around here, but=
pretty sure this isnit the cause of the recording. The last recording happ=
ened 23pm, so everything is quite outside.
Anyone have any idea what=
can be the cause of these recordings? Maybe the geophone had a "
Best Regads,
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