PSN-L Email List Message

Subject: Dominica PSN data used by NEIS
From: Edward Cranswick cranswick@........
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 16:44:46 -0600

PSN members-
    Congratulations to the Dominica PSN whose P-wave phase pick (Station
PSDMA, the immediately following P indentifies the phase as a P-wave)
for a regional Caribbean earthquake they recorded was included in the
NEIS location:

HY19990711 115116.40 16.457N  60.027W  61.2D0.90 74  92
E  0.26   2.80   4.79       4.7  24       5.2MDTRN
L  93.67 0.006.27E+00  3.67 0.003.64E+00  0.00 0.000.00E+00
C MD 5.2 (TRN). Felt on Guadeloupe and Martinique.
P DBCT iP      115145.22   0.4    1.74 227.4
P PSDMAP       115144.70  -0.4    1.77 226.7
P DPMT eP      115145.15   0.0    1.77 227.8
P BPA  eP      115144.40  -1.9    1.85 288.7
P ANG  iPc     115144.64  -1.8    1.86 292.1
P CPB  eP      115147.50  -2.1    2.08 304.6
P NEV  eP      115151.42  -4.4X   2.53 285.8
.. . .

(From  which can
be accessed from "Current Hypocenter Data. EHDF format"

Edward Cranswick                Tel: 303-273-8609
US Geological Survey, MS 966    Fax: 303-273-8600
PO Box 25046, Federal Center    cranswick@........
Denver, CO 80225-0046  USA      E.M. Forster said, "Only connect".


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