Just a reminder, I still have a pile of GE mobile radios that are ideal for seismic telemetry in the 150 MHz band, and they are free for the taking. (But, you have to come get them at my shop near downtown San Jose). You may also borrow the schematics to copy. They take +12V and have vacuum tube transmitter output stages, but the mobile supply and vacuum tube stages can be removed and the driver output taken direct for about 200 mW of output (sorry, this is not in any frequency band where you can transmit license-free with 100 mW as S-T mentioned). The power requirement is then 10 volts at a few hundred mA. You can however put these in the 2m amateur band and with a no-code technician class license use any power you want in 144-148 MHz so long as your telemetry isn't for work or profit. E-mail me off list if you would like some. -- David Josephson / Josephson Engineering / San Jose CA / david@............. _____________________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>