PSN-L Email List Message

Subject: Springs
From: Greg ghost@.............
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 15:01:54 -0700

A while back there was a discussion about spring material for home built
instruments. I can't remember if anyone ever found something decent for
a reasonable price. Sean-Thomas' email about the geophone broad band
mass made me wonder why not just make your own? Does $1000 seem like a
reasonable price for a 1 Hz geophone, when you can get a 4.5 Hz for $60?
Maybe we could bypass some of that cost? I know the spring in a geophone
is pretty fancy for home builders, but maybe something simpler would
work almost as good?

I know, I'm always asking questions. If I was smart enough and rich
enough, I'd get a doctorate in physics, engineering and geology.



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