Hello S-t, Tuesday, August 03, 1999, 2:55:35 PM, you wrote: STM> Angel, STM> Regarding your other questions: STM> 1: The current folder of drawings and schematics weighs about 6 ounces. STM> If you send the proper postage to get it to you, I will provide the STM> envelope. I can also provide 1 meter or so of hinge material (0.005" STM> bronze, 0.75" wide). Sean-Thomas, I am having a friend send you $5.00 in an evnvelope to cover the cost of the postage for the drawings and schematics. I will also take you up on the meter of hinge material. My address in Seattle is: Angel Rodriguez 7318 Linden Ave No. Seattle, WA. 98103 I am building these new devices with a friend named Larry. I sent him the compilation of emails that are on the PSN page and he was very impressed. That along with your last two email have save him and me a great deal of work. I can't tell you how much I appreciated it. Warmly, Angel _____________________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>