Larry-and PSN Members (The Can-Do Folks), I am in the process of developing seismic systems (as cheap as possible, so I can get them in as many schools as possible) for Clark County Schools, here in Las Vegas, which has over 200,00 students. I am thinking along the lines of PEPP, but with a much more affordable system. Recording at UNLV: I recently purchased your Amp/Filter (3 Channels) and the A/D board and hooked it up to the UNLV, 20 year old, Lehman (E-W) and 3 S-13's (X,Y,Z). The Lehman went thru your Amp/Filter (set at 2K gain) while the S-13's went thru a Geotech amplifier of 1K gain, and all 4 were recorded on a Gateway PC (8Mb Ram & 400Mb HD) at 50 sps. I was able to record the Scotty Castle sequence (M=5.7, 8/1/99), was I impressed, even the Event Detector worked! Now, all channels went off scale on the Main Shock, it appeared either the Amp or A/D clipped on the Lehman, while it appeared the S-13 seismometer, it self, was saturated, as the recording was very peculiar looking, not the normal clipping. We were 250 Km's away from the epicenter. The Lehman also has a 10hz oscillation which is small on the seismogram and comes out as a spike on the spexa. Question 1. Is it likely the S-13 seismometer itself would get saturated from this Eq ? Question 1a. How do I tell rather the Amp or A/D board clipped? Question 1b. Does the Lehman have another resonant frequency at 10 HZ? Geophone Testing (L-4): I live about 5 Km's from a recent M=2.5, May 6, which I felt. UNR has two sites 30 Km's and 50 Km's away in opposite directions from Boulder City, (BC), (BC is 30km's South-East of Las Vegas), UNR recorded the M=2.5, but they need a third site to get a better location. I hope to be that third site to pin down these small shocks which go unnoticed on their Network, here in BC. I just started testing 3 L4's, 2 H & 1 Z, here at my house in Boulder City, NV . I have them on my patio with 100' of coaxial cable which came with the sensors. I borrowed them from UNLV to determine if they would be good for detecting local EQ's. I put their output directly into a DataQ A/D board, (DI-194, 16 bit, 4 channel, 10V FS, sells for $100) thru the 100' cable, which hooks up externally to my PC( HP 96 Mb Ram & 4 GB HD) thru the Com1 port. I obviously need a preamplifier as I don't even see road traffic, they do slightly pick me up when I walk by. Question 2. What is the L-4 output? Question 3. Can I use your Amp/Filt board as a Pre-amp? and do I need to place it very close to the L4 seismometer to keep a short input cable? Question 4. Should your Filter board setting be something like 0.5 to 30 Hz for the L4. Question 5. I have a program, Atomic Clock, which calls Boulder or Fort Collins, CO to reset my PC clock. I am wondering if that is satisfactory, as my main interest is just S-P values, to locate local Eq's. At the present time I have the Lehman, 3 S-13's and 2 Z L-4's recording at UNLV using your Amp/filter board on the Lehman and L-4's. I believe you set two of the channels to 20 hz for the Geophones and 10 hz for the Lehman. I am ready to order another Amp/Filter board unless someone can suggest a cheaper pre-amp.....for the L-4's. Jim O'Donnell Retired Geophysicist _____________________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>