Hi to all, we have not posted the files yet, because the Italian isp, this night = was disable........sorry..... Now, I'm preparing a special page in the web, with all information about = the disaster. I will put in the most significant waveform of the PSN = member. Thank for the help. When the page is pubblicated I will notice to you. Francesco. IESN Italy p.s.: in some southern region of Italy the event is felt very wellHi to all,we have not posted the files yet, because the Italian isp, this = night was=20 disable........sorry.....Now, I'm preparing a special page in the web, with all information = about=20 the disaster. I will put in the most significant waveform of the PSN=20 member.Thank for the help.When the page is pubblicated I will notice to you.Francesco. IESN Italyp.s.: in some southern region of Italy the event is felt very=20 well
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>