I've updated the seimogram viewer java program with Turkysh event. I have choose at random, from all over the world, four file: one of italian station, one of Hawaii, one of Colorado and one of Texas. See at: http://web.tiscalinet.it/iesn/sve.html Regards Francesco p.s.: please, remember to push reload command (from window's men=F9 of = the applet) after the view of each file (for a large visualization).I've updated the seimogram viewer java program with Turkysh=20 event.I have choose at random, from all over the world, four file:one of italian station, one of Hawaii, one of Colorado=20 and one of Texas.RegardsFrancescop.s.: please, remember to push reload command (from window's = men=F9 of=20 the applet) after the view of each file (for a large=20 visualization).
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>