> that blew. The incoming line and the case I have the amp in are grounded > or so it seems to me. Is there any way to protect the overall system or > should I consider board replacement an operating expense. Dealing with lightning currents is just like dealing with noise in board design, just bigger. You should have a lightning rod, grounded to its own ground stakes (3 of them, a foot apart, 10 feet deep, minimum) and this setup should be as far away from your instrumentation as possible. Then be sure that the lowest resistance path from your vault ground, rack ground, etc. to the same ground stakes is via a thick wire that's run as far away from your signal wires as possible. The input leads should be twisted as tightly as possible to eliminate loop area for magnetic coupling of the surge to the inputs of the gear. Finally you should look at the input circuitry of whatever blew up and protect it with gas tubes and/or MOV type surge suppressors, each routed to the same ground stake. Wide copper strap from the earth stake to your cold water system is good too. -- David Josephson / Josephson Engineering / San Jose CA / david@............. _____________________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>