> Which ones do you have, the ADXL05s? < Yes > They have two new models ADXL105 (replaced ADXL05) and ADXL202. I am wondering if these have better performance. < From my study of the data sheets, I gather that they don't have a significantly better performance. >Also, I am on the fault line in a quiet area, so I am wondering if that makes a difference. < It does. You may get stronger motion than here. I am far from any fault line. > It is a complete waste of time trying these for strong motion? < No, the devices are fine for strong motion. Say, when you are at the epicenter. And when your seismometers are driven into saturation. Bruel and Kjaer make many fine accellerometers. One of these has an extremely fine S/N ratio compared to other accellerometers. Regards, Anders _____________________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>