Doug, You wrote, "Assuming that the ADXL devices are not useful, does anyone have any other recommendations for accelerometers that would yield a better S/N ratio?" Here's a message that I put on the PSN back in April. John Evans is using these sensors for seismic recording - although I'm not sure which model is currently preferred. JCLahr >Because of the possible interest to PSN members, >I've put a copy of John Evans' USGS Open-file Report on >The Design and Performance of a Low-cost Strong-motion >Sensor onto the following web page: > > > >This address will work for the next few weeks, but >eventually John E. will be moving the report to a USGS web >server in Menlo Park. The bulk of the report is in PDF format; >free readers are available here: > > > >in case you don't have one already. _____________________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>