Jim, I can only guess that the total spring constant of the spring, its flexures, and the main hinges is too large. I am presently using hinges that are 0.005" thick and 3/8 inch wide. The free, non-contacting area where the hinges cross to the frame angles is about 1/16". As I move the upper contact point of the main leaf spring along the boom closer to the hinges, adjusting the mass position accordingly, I can reach a point of infinite period or instability. The range of adjustment (moving along the boom) from several seconds to over ten seconds is only about 1 cm. Also, the level of the boom affects the period. As the instrument is tilted back, raising the mass end of the boom, the period lengthens. This is reducing the gravity vector and direction of the forces at the hinge. Obviously, tilt it too far, and it will flop over. Hope this helps. Maybe someone else has some suggestion. Regards, Sean-Thomas _____________________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>