In response to a couple of further inquiries that I've received at home, in addition to the one on-line from Karl Cunningham: Experimenting with flexures--- Some flat, good quality spring-tempered flexure material which is readily available in a range of thicknesses is feeler guages. Although typically available only in a single width (0.500 inch), feeler guage stock should at least allow you to make some "mock-ups" for experimentation to determine what you need for your final design. Go to your local auto supply store. All should have the complete feeler guage sets, which have several blades typically ranging in thickness from .0015 inch to .040 inch that pivot into the handle for storage. If you're lucky, the store may also have single "replacement" blades for sale--- possibly in longer lengths; ask, since the single blades may be a "back-room" item. (The replacement blades allow you to obtain multiple flexures of the same thickness without buying additional sets.) In any case, try to get a set which has relatively long blades and has a screw-type pivot for easy disassembly. Most sets have flat blades, but there is also the "tappet-style" which has an approximate 30 degree bend about 2/3 down it's length; this might be useful for certain mounting situations. In any case, a set should run about $4-$8. Although obviously a spring steel, and somewhat "stainless" (although magnetic), I don't know what the material designation is (and it may vary, depending on origin). However, the important material property in determining the spring constant (k) is the elastic modulus (E), and this is essentially the same for all steels. Thus, your experimental results will be "accurate" to within a few percent for any spring steel. BeCu, phosphor bronze, and the "exotics" (such as low-expansion, constant modulus materials which some "purists" may want for their final design) can obviously be "ratioed" from your test results--- see paragraph on "Calculations" below. Forming flexures--- If your flexure is going to be a simple, constant-width, constant-thickness strip, and you can obtain the material in that width and thickness, the only thing you'll need is a pair of household scissors! Not tin snips, not a sheet metal shear, not a guillotine paper cutter, and not your kid's super-dull school scissors. You'll find that any relatively thin (say less that .012 inch) metal can be cut well with with a good (sharp) pair of scissors, and that it actually cuts "cleaner" in the hardened (spring) state than when soft. You can probably also "get by" with scissor cuts in the "active" portion of the flexure (i.e., cutting to an exact width) if you carefully "stone" the cut edges to remove any burrs or distortions. If you want mounting holes, obviously the normal drill bit won't do the job on hardened metals; the three best answers are--- 1. drill first, harden (heat treat) second, 2. use a hardened punch and die (total diametral clearance no more than material thickness), or 3. chemical milling. For complex shapes, such as the "spider" suspensions in geophones or bands with internal cutouts (such as in the "Cardan hinge"?), photochemical milling (etching) is really the only way to go. Basically, this consists of coating the material with a photosensitive material, exposing it to light with a mask providing the desired pattern, and then spraying with etchant chemicals. As mentioned in the earlier message, BeCu is easily etched; stainless steels are difficult. If you do use photochemical processing, additional features--- such as holes, slots, mounting "ticks", etc. are easily incorporated. Mounting--- Usually, thin flexures are attached at both ends (one end on the stationary base, the other to the moving assembly) using clamp bars and machine screws. The clamp bars need to be sturdy (e.g., at least 1/4 inch thick steel for 1/2 inch wide flexures) to maintain good contact across the entire width, and the screws well tightened. Having at least one of the screws through a hole or slot in the flexure can be helpful (particularly on wider flexures), as are somewhat roughened surfaces on the mating parts. Karl asked about adhesives; my feeling is "only if proven necessary in addition to the clamping". Distortion and/or "oil-canning"--- My experience with this would indicate that there is a some other problem present--- lack of clamp bar (or one which isn't sturdy enough), flexure material which wasn't initially flat, unequal weight distribution during assembly, too thin flexures for the weight being supported, etc. Having said all of this, I do kinda' like Karl's thought of AVOIDING ZERO stress/strain on these seismic devices. In other words, since the motion is very small, why not provide a mounting such that the flexure never returns to being completely flat. One way of doing this with crossed flexures would be to have 90 degrees between flexures on one (stationary?) end, and somewhat more (or less)-- perhaps 100 degrees-- on the other. Thus, both flexures would have a small initial curvature--- say 5 degrees if both have the same thickness, width, and free length--- which is larger than the maximum instrument motion. I can't think of any reason why the crossed flexures wouldn't work equally well. Calculations--- To a first approximation, the (torsional) spring force, and thus the (torsional) spring constant, can be calculated for flat flexures (or ones with small curvatures) using the "cantilever beam with end loading" equations of Mechanics of Materials. (Note that you will probably want to use the "slope at end", since the normal action of a flexure is a pivot.) For those who would prefer to do it entirely experimentally, your rules of thumb are: Force is directly proportional to the cube of thickness (i.e., doubling the thickness multiplies the force by eight); force is directly proportional to flexure width; force is directly proportional to elastic modulus of the material (i.e., BeCu will produce approximately 62% of the force of spring steels), and force is inversely proportional to the square of the free length (i.e., a free length of 1/4 inch is four times as "stiff" as a free length of 1/2 inch). "Inverted Pendulum"--- As indicated in the earlier message, this is a (potential?) method of making a long period horizontal seismic instrument in a compact package. The principle can best be understood by clamping a flat flexure, such as a .004 inch thick feeler guage blade, in a vise such that it is vertical. At the upper (free) end, start adding weight (a small bolt, washers, and nuts in the pivot hole of the blade is a convenient method), keeping approximately equal weight on each side of the flexure). You'll note that as the weoght is increased, the natural frequency changes. If too much weight is added, it becomes "bistable", leaning one way or the other when at rest. However, with just the correct weight, it becomes a surprisingly long period device (several seconds per cycle). In my earlier message, I was somewhat discouraging about the practicality of replacing the single flexure with crossed flexures; further reflection on my part says that the final adjustment could be just as indicated here--- adjustment of the mass instead of the free length of the flexure(s)--- which would then allow crossed flexures of a predetermined spring constant to be used. ---Dean E. Gladow--- _____________________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>