Regarding the idea of detecting gravitational variations prior to earthquakes: The gravitational force is an effect between two masses m1 and m2 separated by some distance r. For a large object, the center of mass of the objects is the reference distance. The idea that gravity comes "from the core" of the earth and "cuts across" some part of the surface is rather far fetched. This implies that the gravitational force is some sort of "beam", rather than the omnidirectional force that it is. The formula for the force (F = G*m1*m2/r^2, G = 6.67 x 10^-11 N*m^2/kg^2) has no directive components; it is simply between the two objects. A good reference for studies of the core-mantle-boundary (CMB) is: "Earth's Deep Interior", edited by D.J.Crossley; Gordon and Breach Science Publishers; ISBN 9056990322. (Dr. Crossley is the Chair of the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at St. Louis University. He is a specialist in superconducting gravimeter systems and in interpreting the data). The book contains 11 research papers on the CMB conditions, and how they are determined from geomagnetism, gravimetry, seismology, and geochemistry. It contains hundreds of references. Several papers estimate the velocity at the CMB, which is the rotation of the outer core with respect to the lower mantle across the transition zone called the D" layer. Velocities of 4 x 10^-4 m/sec or 0.15 degree/year result from the most recent models; converting this to more familiar rates results in a velocity of 0.009mph. RMS values range from 12.7 to 14.3 km/year (4.03 to 4.53 x10^-4 m/sec), depending on the theoretical model chosen. All the models and the math are very complex. The flow of the core surface is also spatially irregular in both rate and direction, with the favored model called a "tangentially geostrophic" flow ( in the paper by Whaler and Davis in the book). It is not difficult to expect that the CMB is a rather irregular surface. And if there are irregularities in the mass distribution, they will cause variations in the gravity vectors that involve them. But detecting them has not yet been possible, even with superconducting gravimeters with a resolution of 1 nanogal ( 10^-11 of g). Gravimeter data is recorded in micro-gals, (10^-8 of g) for historical reasons. I have been operating a quartz-spring recording gravimeter at SLU since 1969. The dominant output is the 12 to 24 hour lunar-solar tides at 50 to 300 microgals (ugals). Instrument drift is around 100 ugal/year. To detect smaller effects, these have to be removed, as well as barometric effects, ocean tide loading, etc. This can reduce the noise level to less han 1 ugal, where oscillations of the core that are excited by large earthquakes can be detected. The primary nutation of the outer core is 433 days. Roughness or texture of the CMB HAS been detected by tomographic studies using modern broadband data. But the resolution is still poor until the density of VBB stations is significantly increased. Modern VBB seismometers reliably record earth tides as well, with resolution at the ugal level. But since the gravitational effect of any texture at the CMB is not currently detectable at the 0.001ugal level, the effect is orders of magnitude less than the lunar-solar gravitational changes of 50 to 300 ugals that occurr daily. Some have proposed these forces as trigger mechanisms for earthquakes, but the numbers don't agree any better than random chance. Regards, Sean-Thomas _____________________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>