Hi Jim: I completed a modified Lehman prototype just in time to catch the September 30 quake in Mexico. I was test driving it, even though I had not yet installed the damper. I got a very clear signal of both the P and S waves, somewhat to my surprise. My unit uses a 7 pound pendulum mass. The important point is that the top node (where the wire exits the upright post) is slightly off-set from an imaginary vertical line through the knife-edge of the boom, the off-set being toward the mass. You may look at it as if the top of the vertical post is tilted slightly toward the weight. This off-set should be on the order of about 5 mm. Without this off-set, the pendulum will not be able to find a null point, where it will come to rest. If the off-set is in the opposite direction, the boom will try to swing in the wrong direction. It takes a bit of fiddling - and patience - to find the right tilt, and I would recommend using three leveling screws for the base instead of shims. I use three 5/16 wing bolts. Also, remember that the larger the off-set, the sooner the boom will come to a rest, but the less sensitive the pendulum becomes. Toby Thams Fullerton, Calif. _____________________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>