Sean I am planning to build my case out of some 1/2" (actually 0.46") acrylic plastic. We received an order at work and the trucking company broke the corners off of some large sheets. The insurance company just told us to keep the damaged sheets. I have a plastic blade for my 10" table saw and the glue operation is rather easy. I built some pressure tight enclosures for an automotive air leak test fixture we sold Honda several years ago. I also have a piece of 1/2" alum tool plate for the base. I am also planning to use a 25 pin gender changer to pass through lower cover. Have to check to see if the plug will hold pressure? This will permit me to easily remove the entire VBB from case without a solder iron! If the gender changer does leak, I have several MS connectors that are tight and have the advantage of using a 90 degree plug to reduce the 'off floor' height of base. By the way, I have most of the parts made for my VBB and plan to post some photos on my website later this week when I get the photo developed. I have just a few little things to finish up and then on to the final assembly. After that I can start to debug and test my electronics. S-T Morrissey wrote: > Rex, > re. The pressure enclosure using the aquarium: > -- Rex Klopfentein, Jr. rklopfen@......... _____________________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
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