There actually is an excellent program for keeping your computer "on time". It is free (care ware) and it corrects for propogation delay on the web by pinging and timing. It uses multiple time standards such as the Naval Observatory and NIST, etc. If you are running 95/98 and IE4.X you can just download it at I have used this program for years and it cured my back ache, increased my potency, and gives my laundry brighter colors and whiter whites at the same time. On Mon, 18 Oct 1999 16:13:55 -0700 Doug Cricewrites: >Bill Scolnik wrote: >> >> I'm embarrassed to say that the Winquake >> record is off by about 5 minutes because I haven't set the computer >clock >> in a couple of months. > >Hey folks, don't forget you can get UTC time at > > > >There's a program you can download to automatically synchronize your >clock. It's only good to a second or so because of network delays, >but >at least it gets the hour right. I always have a problem with that. > >Doug Crice > >_____________________________________________________________________ > >Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L) > >To leave this list email listserver@.............. with the body of >the >message: leave PSN-L _____________________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>