All, I posted a new event file on my system from a new station in Leavenworth, Kansas. See message below. The event file name is 991021a.KS1. I needed to correct the start time of the event so that the P and S match the location calculated by WinQuake. Other then that, Kevin recorded the event very nicely. His station was 440 km (~270 miles) from the event. Regards, Larry Cochrane Redwood City, PSN >Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 18:02:51 -0500 >To: cochrane@.............. >From: n0cwr@......... >Subject: Hi > >Hi Mr. Cochrane. > >I think we had a pretty good read here on the New Madrid using your A/D board, >pickup coil, magnet and plans for a Lehmann sensor. >I failed to notice that the WWV receiver we were using had detuned so the >time was off a bit. > >Just thought I would post the raw file to you and screen capture to >see if you had any thoughts or suggestions. > >I am baby sitting the equipment in my garage for my son. >He constructed the equipment for a Kansas University class. >He is a Geology major there and until he graduates and moves to a place of >his own the equipment is running here. I am trying to talk him into locating >a used geophone in hopes he may be able to use at his apartment until he >graduates and finds himself a better location. At that time maybe we can see >you about "populating" the second channel of the A/D board for both sensors. > >Thanks for all your great doucumentation, equipment and assistance! >Kevin Schavee >Leavenworth, Kansas. > > > > > > > > _____________________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>