G'day All I was going throught the Electronics section of the newsagent the other day and I came across this months Electronics Now magazine featuring an article on a seismic detector. The whole project is created around a 10Hz vibration sensor used in the oil industry. The sensor is coupled to a PIC microcontroler with an internal 8 bit ADC. The sample rate is 16 times a second and a serial FLASH memory chip is also included for storage of up to 1 minute of data. If you are interested the web site for the publishers is http://www.gernsback.com/ And the web page for this months edition is at the following address http://www.gernsback.com/noframe/en/current/ENcontents_nf.html Please let me know if this information is of any use to anybody. Yours Philip Schmidt Australia _____________________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>