Chris, In regard to your several questions. (the first address was OK, btw) The pressure containment for the vertical seis is not a necessity, for amateur work especially, that requires expensive connectors. In fact, an absolutely sealed case is not needed, only one that extends the time of external pressure variations to several hours. So a hermetic seal (I used many in building a cyclotron in grad school) for high vacuum isn't needed; the "potted" DB-25 works well. The only consideration for a "leaky" containment is that wherever the pressure equalization seepage is, it must not create a jet or draft that blows the mass around. Some of the earliest pressure cases over the large S5000 long period seismometers were made from washing machine drums (tubs). Another way to reduce pressure noise is to not use a real long operating period. THe buoyancy effect varies as the square of the period, so a 40 second operating period has 1/4th the pressure noise as when operating at 160 seconds. THe use of sealed volumes on the opposite side of the hinges to compensate for the mass buoyancy has been experimented with. If only the mass volume was real, and everything else (coil, boom, parts,etc) had no volume, the compensation could be calculated: Volume(mass) x boom(length) = volume(compensator) x extension(length). As it is, it is a trial/error effort. I have used glass xmas ornaments as well as sealed pill jars, etc, and have realized some improvement. Unfortunately, the compensator adds to the thermal problem. I haven't used any active (constant power or thermostatically controlled) thermal heating because it makes an instrument almost impossible to adjust if the cover has to be removed, which causes an hours to days long transient if the internal temperature is even slightly warmer. I think that good thick insulation is the best solution. THis leaves the hardware at the ambient temperature, so only the radiant heat from the person adjusting the seis is a temporary problem. I have experimented with thermal compensation via an auxillary coil (25 turns wound above the main coil), using precision micro-thermometer ICs; this requires considerable electronics, since everything has to have 0.01% stability, and still adds electronic noise. The $24 solution is the small gearmotor mounted at the hinge with a weight on a 6" threaded (6-32) shaft extension parallel to the boom. Operating the motor simply translates the weight (which has an oversize (10-32) threaded hole for easy gross adjustment) parallel to the boom. Being a physical adjustment, it is completely passive to electronic transients like power outages. Regarding capacitive transducers: the usual configuration is to have the outer plates fixed to the frame and the moving center plate pivoting at the hinge or suspension between them. The SG seis is such a configuration. A more compact horizontal can be made by inverting the pendulum, with the hinges at the bottom, so the capacitive plates are vertical. For high sensitivity, the gap is small, less than 0.5mm. Volumes have been written on the treatment of edge effects vs linearity. Plates with large areas and round edges seem to work with a circular shield around the outer circumference. Often the outer plates are perforated to reduce air damping. Another trade-off is the excitation/detection frequency; higher is better, of course, but when all is said and done, frequencies from 20khz to 100 khz are used. The first consideration seems to be the gain-bandwidth figure vs noise of the amplifier connected to the center moving plate. Naturally, alignment IS critical, and lateral movement changes the sensitivity. I don't use capacitive sensors because of all these difficulties. THe VRDT is a very forgiving configuration. Regards, Sean-Thomas _____________________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>