Bob -- I would lean toward suspecting some RF interference with the new computer. I have had a lot of problems with this, trying to get WWV or WWVB to come in strong enough to lock. I know you said the signal sounds good, but I think some RFI at the wrong moment could cause SDR not to lock. Things I would try to reduce RFI: 1. Isolation plugs (3-prong to 2-prong adaptor) in series with the computer, the receiver, or both. 2. Put a choke in the audio wire from the receiver to the A/D board. This fixed the problem for me. I got a ferrite toriod core from a surplus place and wrapped the audio cable on it (both high side and low side twisted together) as many times as I could fit on the core (maybe 50 turns). 3. Isolate the receiver's output from the computer with an audio coupling transformer. I think Radio Shack still sells these. Connect the computer and the receiver to good grounds. See below. 4. Plug the receiver into a different plug, preferrably fed from a different circuit breaker. 5. Ground the computer's chassis to a water pipe with copper strap, not just a wire as the strap has far less inductance. Copper strap for this purpose is available from ham radio stores and marine supply places. Try this with the receiver too, or both. 6. Put a line filter in series with the computer's power cord. Not the surge protectors, but a real filter. These are available from electronic surplus outlets. Try this on the reveiver too, or both. 7. Locate the WWV antenna away from the computer, preferrably by 30 feet or more. Use coaxial cable for a feed line to the antenna. 8. Locate the receiver far from the computer. Then run just the audio cable to the computer, and run it through an RF choke as mentioned in #2 above. If it is some other problem, then I don't know. I assume the Packard Bell is a 486 or Pentium, so I would think there isn't a problem with the interrupt speed. Let us know what happens. Karl _____________________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>